t Gulf Today Article 2 Feb 2013

Catalyst Concepts

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Gulf Today Article 2 Feb 2013

DUBAI: It is a well-known fact that everyone wants to be successful and the way to get there is through life coaching.

People no longer want to spend months with therapists. They look for a life coach who can become their partner in designing a better future, someone who helps them think outside the box.

To fill the gap and cater to the need of local demand, two experts in the field, Mahyra Roy and Samar Satamian are ready to help through their Dubai-based facility Catalyst Concepts.

Most of the world leaders and celebrities have life coaches, eg, Obama, Donna Karan, Larry King, Oprah Winfrey, to name but a few.

Coaching is fast becoming the most popular personal growth tool for both men and women. “Coaching can take place over a few weeks or few months depending on the individual’s needs. The sessions can be conducted in private, over Skype or on the telephone.

“While coaching has become all the rage in the West, it is still a fairly new concept in the Middle East,” said Mahyra Roy and Samar Satamian who recently decided to pool their experience, training and skills to set up a life and executive coaching company in Dubai called Catalyst Concepts.

The Catalysts Concepts employs neural and behavioral sciences, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnotherapy and other techniques to help people become more effective in their chosen fields.

In recognition of the unique business idea and effort, the business was shortlisted as one of the finalists for the 2012 Emirates Woman Ambition Award.

At the company, life coaches are certified NLP practitioners and also experts in their individual fields. Mahyra Roy is a chartered accountant and a former partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and works with individuals at a professional as well as a personal level.

Samar Satamian has a degree in behavioral sciences and has been working with individuals and athletes for a number of years in the arena of mental training.


“Coaching helps defining the goal and then find a solution. An executive coach can help an individual define their long term goals, improve their work image, teach them how to resolve conflicts and help improve communication skills and work relationships,” said Satamian.